About Me

My photo
San Jose, California, United States
简简单单的我, 拥有家人和朋友对我来说是一种福气. 有时侯, 很感性. 有时侯, 很坚强. 有时侯, 很懦弱. 有时侯, 很潇洒. 有时侯, 很大方. 有时侯, 很小气. 有时侯, 很烦躁. 有时侯, 很兴奋. 疼爱人的心, 是我的最爱. 分享我的故事,是我的习惯.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I smell peace .. ;)

Sunset at Santa Cruz with Love ... :)

I love sunset because that's the most romantic moment when you're with the right person.
Right moment, Right person, and Right place.. ;)
Cherish it !!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I am a free bird ... :)

Are you looking at me?
Look through my eye.. :)

A fun day at Santa Cruz ... :)

I remembered it was a happy day with wonderful weather.
It is alwasy my happy place here.

Wonderful Day with Love ... :)

No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point.
And soetimes all she needs is a tight hug.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Celine !!

Happy Birthday, Celine !!
Many more wishes to come ~~~
This is the first time i recevied Yellow flower.

I am flexible :)

I like them because they seemed calm and pretty.
One day, i would like to touch your softness.

Lunch at Santa Cruz ... ;)

I was there.....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Celine's secret spot with Love .. :)

Everyone has a secret spot in your heart.
Lighthouse along the beach and hot air ballon have always been my secret spot where i find peach and happiness. 
One day, will i find you at my secret spot?

The sunflower at Heart .. :)

Sunflower... You're very pretty.
What's your favourite flower?
My favourite is Lily, Sunflower and Roses. :)

My paradise at Vegas with Love :)

This is the place where i fall in love with Las Vegas.
I smell happiness. I always love to be here.
I will try to come every year during summer and winter time.
I just cant stop myself falling in love with this beautiful view.
You're the best !!