About Me

My photo
San Jose, California, United States
简简单单的我, 拥有家人和朋友对我来说是一种福气. 有时侯, 很感性. 有时侯, 很坚强. 有时侯, 很懦弱. 有时侯, 很潇洒. 有时侯, 很大方. 有时侯, 很小气. 有时侯, 很烦躁. 有时侯, 很兴奋. 疼爱人的心, 是我的最爱. 分享我的故事,是我的习惯.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Trust is the hardest to gain and easy to break ... it is just so fragile :(

Sunday, December 1, 2013

What is love ... is love always relate to marriage ? I guess only people who are in love know the answer .... :)

Keep Loving !!

Half Empty ... Half Full :)

Together is love .. but that's the toughest to achieve ... :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

BlueBird .... vs US .. :)

How the hell does a broken heart get back together when it’s torn apart?
Teach itself to start beating again?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Perception ...

Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. 
And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone. 

Alone ...

Thanks Mom and Dad !!


Romance at the Pier ... :)

Walking along the Pier is the most relaxing moment in life.. 

I guess i am closer to the Ocean. 

Sometime, a simple walk with the right one does matter in life. 


You're my wave ... :)

Where are you? I am drowning in my ocean... :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Can you see me?


I am watching you from the sky ... :)

Hold on tight with your love ... :)

Love is in the air ... :)
Look up and go catch your love before it fly away...

p/s: It is a marriage proposal kite.... i hope she said yes..

Love is in the air ... :)


Love is in the air ... :)
Breathe it in... 

Restlessness .......

The sea never rest ... The sea has never been friendly to me ...

Live. Love. Laughter ... :)


A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets and worries.

I against the world ... :)

Somewhere deep down there's a decent us in ourselves

Colorful life ... :)

I found i could say things with color and shapes that i couldn't say any other way - things i had no words for ...

Friday, May 24, 2013

San Francisco Night View with Love ;)

Butterfly Effect ... :)

"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." by Chaos Theory
Let's be passionate to each others. :)

One of my best shot ... :)

Sunset with your lover... :)

How many people are willing to sit next to you quietly and enjoy the sunset?

Peace at SF Sutra Bath with Love .. :)

I remembered that it was the cold breeze but i like the peace you gave me.
I would love to be here everyday.